Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Technology


Duration: 24 months | 75 Credits

RVOE: MAES080804

D.G.P. 120570




Talking about environmental engineering is to talk about relatively new science, which is part of engineering, and which integrates ecological, social, economic and technological issues: therefore, it will have a lot to do with the concept of sustainable development.


The purpose of the master program in Environmental Technology and Engineering is to propose solutions that contribute to the performance of the life system and preserve our natural resources in order to improve the quality of life making all human activities more sustainable. However, combining economic growth with sustainable development is often complex, and may even seem contradictory, so it is the job of the environmental engineer to develop solutions that contribute to the country’s growth within the framework of sustainable development. An environmental professional will be responsible to diagnose, design, implement, investigate, manage and undertake possible solutions needed that arise in society in the respective work area or sphere of action.


The master program in Environmental Technology and Engineering of University CEPES provides an interdisciplinary education in management and engineering fundamentals, with an emphasis on the study of technologies and trends to preserve our natural environment and efficient use of natural resources.

The Master in Environmental Engineering and Technology carries out a technical review of the different environmental problems derived from industrial activities, and proposes the adoption of solutions and good practices, always taking into account economic and social factors.


General Objective:

  • Educate professionals in the environmental area who can work in multidisciplinary teams in the field of engineering and in the field of research.

Sub Objectives:

  • Learn new technologies that may help to mitigate the environmental impacts from the generation of solid waste, liquid dischargers and Carbon emissions from industries and all human activities.
  • Analyze alternative solutions for a correct environmental management of the main polluting sources.
  • Explain, from a comprehensive point of view, the management of waste effluents generated by different industrial activities (textile, food, paper, etc.).
  • Understand the importance of the hierarchy established in solid waste management: prevention, reuse, recycle, material recovery, energy efficiency and waste disposal, including the process of waste dumping in controlled deposits.
  • Describe the techniques for value creation from waste materials and process of recycle including energy recovery from urban and industrial solid waste.
  • Implement soil sanitization methodologies in potentially contaminated sites.
  • Organize the foundations for the implementation of an environmental management system EMS in any type of industry.
Who is it for?

Who is it for?

The proposed training methodology, added to the clarity, breadth and didactics of the content design, allows the Master in Environmental Engineering and Technology to be directed to university graduates of medium or higher degree who wish to receive environmental training in management and environmental audits to improve your job expectations.

Professional areas of a project manager

Some of the professional opportunities of this Master’s Program  are:

  • Independent environmental consultant.
  • Organizational advisor on the environment.
  • Environmental technician in town councils.
  • Environmental specialist.
  • Advisor for the implementation of Environmental Management Systems in the company.
  • Teaching
Study Program

1st Term: Environmental Engineering and Technology

The subjects allow to know and understand, firstly, the theoretical, conceptual and historical foundations involved in environmental engineering and, secondly, its organizational, social and technological implementation.

The objective is to get students to acquire a global vision of environmental engineering, through different related multidisciplinary themes.

The subjects that make up the first part are shown below:


Fundamentals of environmental engineering

Solid waste recovery and treatment engineering

Industrial wastewater treatment

Controlling Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Ergonomics in the project

Waste energy recovery

Recovery and Remediation of Contaminated Soil

Implementation of Environmental Management System in the organization.


These subjects, although being independent of each other, are complementary and are structured in the progress of the studies, according to a coherent pedagogical order. Each is divided into basic thematic units or chapters, directly related to one or more of a practical exercise and includes theoretical support material and personalized follow-up by the area tutor

2nd Term: Scientific Research Methodology and Final Project or Dissertation Thesi

The last phase of the Program is devoted to studying the subject of Scientific Research Methodology and preparing the Final Master’s Projec


Duration, credit structure, and academic degree

The estimated duration of the master’s degree is 1200 hours (75 credits). The credit structure of the Master in Project Management is shown in the following table:

1st Term: Environmental Engineering and Technology60960
2nd Term:  Scientific Research Methodology and Final Project or Dissertation Thesis15240

Credit structure

In each phase the student must meet the credit requirements established by each university and set by the Master’s degree committee.


Master’s degree award

Once the student has completed his study program and passed all his subjects and dissertation thesis he or she will be evaluated by the evaluation board committee. If the student has fulfilled all the academic, administrative and economic requirements established in the management procedures set by the university or universities for which If you want to obtain the academic degree, the student will obtain the Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering and Technology.


Admission requirements

Mexican nationals

  • CURP
  • Acta de Nacimiento (copia legible)
  • Copia Certificada ante notario público de Grado de Licenciatura o Ingeniería
  • Copia Certificada ante notario público de Cédula Profesional
  • Copia Certificada ante notario público de Certificado de Estudios de Licenciatura o Ingeniería.
  • C.V. actualizado
  • Carta de Exposición de Motivos de ingreso firmada
  • Solicitud de inscripción
  • Solicitud de beca
  • Fotografía Digital en formato .jpg (vestimenta formal, sobre un fondo blanco liso y con el rostro despejado).

International students

  • Citizenship card
  • Birth Registration (legible copy)
  • Certified copies of your Bachelor’s Degree or Engineering
  • Certified Copy or Apostilled of Professional Card (if issued in the country of origin).
  • Updated Resume
  • Motivation letter
  • Enrollment Request
  • Scholarship Application (only to those who meet scholarship criteria)
  • Digital Photography in .jpg format (formal dress, on a plain white background and with a clear face)

Salazar Norte # 26, Col. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 61506
Heroica Zitácuaro
Michoacán, MX

Tel. 01 800 002 3737


Office Lima – Peru

The Center for Innovation and Sustainability
Admissions Office for Online education
Andromeda MzB, Block 20
Tel.: +51 902 019 181
Whatsapp: +51 902 019 181



Focal Point:

The Center for Innovation and Sustainability

International programs

ARS – East Legon, Accra


Tel.: +51 902 019 181


Part Time International

Part-Time Program for International students

In addition to the Online Master´s program, UNICEPES and The Center for Innovation and Sustainability offer a part-time Dual Career Training Programme. The program has two Phases:


The first phase delivered Online that covers most of the program and the second phase is delivered in the University Campus in Morelia Mexico. The program meets the needs and availability of master’s students with full-time or part-time jobs, allowing them to combine their careers by obtaining a Master’s degree. Students will have the opportunity to gain more experience and knowledge by visiting sites and operations from important industries and projects in Mexico.   For more information write to


To start the admission process for this program, download the application form by clicking here and submit to




Tuition Fees for Part-Time Programs

  • Admission and Reservation Fees:   $ 950 USD
  • Overall tuition Fees: $ 8000 USD
  • Degree Accreditation and Registration fee: $ 1500 USD
  • This program allows monthly installment payments up to 30 months.
  • The cost of the program Cover some living expenses for 10 days in Mexico such as Accommodation,  Meals,  Transport from the airport to the University campus.
  • Outstanding Students are encouraged to apply for financial assistance to cover  50% of the cost of a roundtrip airline ticket. This may be subject to a previous assessment of the academic performance of the student during the program and other relevant aspects.
  • These fees do not include Visa plications costs.

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Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Technology

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